[104] Coding for the IFC
2020, November 23th
Two days ago, I started coding for the IFC. I’ve been learning to code for a few months now.
First, I try to understand what A* did, and then he gives me small tasks to do.
Putting into practice what I learn with Openclassrooms is amazing. Since it’s my project, I am even more motivated to learn fast.
A* teach me good practices with Github, Trello, product management, code submission. I’m sure it’s also a good training for him, for the day he will have to manage someone else.
Yesterday, I made my first code commit for the IFC.
I think the most important thing for me is not to become an amazing developer, but mostly to understand what A* does, and be able to help him if needed, or act even if he is not available.
One simple example. When there is something to change in the database, I always have to ask him to do it. It’s not convenient, and it can be problematic with the time difference. If I understand databases, I will be able to act independently.
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We just added logos on the app. It’s great to see other colors than black and white 🔥