[14] First tournament
2020, April 10th
Today I made my first tournament announcement on Instagram. I gained a few followers with the follow to follow technique, so maybe I will have a small visibility.
I called my tournament “Carbon Cup”. This is a cool name. It’s an 8 teams tournament, 4 players minimum in each team. So 32 players.
My brother is ok to participate with his team so I have already one participant. I need 7 more.
I wait.
I wait.
I wait.
My annoucement has been published a couple of hours ago. I have tens of followers, but no reply. I am absolutely sure that players are somewhere. Let’s keep following people on Instagram to draw their attention.
I followed one of my best friend, A*. He has a private account and did not accept my follow request. Good point A*, you don’t accept everyone.
Well. Let’s wait a little bit longer. Maybe we will have new registrations tomorrow.