[18] Communities
2020, April 14th
Yesterday’s tournament was a nice experience. But the organisation was hard. I don’t know if Instagram is the right social media to use to target online football teams. It’s a great network for visual contents. But it does not fit what I try to do.
This morning, I woke up with some kind of flash in my head. I am targeting people that all like online football. I am looking for a community. And there are already places where people with the same tastes go and grow as communities. Facebook groups.
I found one. 16,8 K members. I asked to join and was accepted. Then I discovered a new world. People looking for tournaments, people looking for players, people looking for teams, people just chating. Amazing.
So I made my tournament announcement.
I got 39 comments, not to mention all private messages I got. I was not expecting such a number.
My team is interested
Spots are still available ?
Is it still possible to register ?
The tournament went full very fast. This is crazy. Yesterday I was struggling to find 4 teams. Today I had to say no to tens of them.