[23] First pages of the website

2 min readFeb 11, 2022

2020, April 28th

April 25th, I reached 40 captains in my Facebook group, and A* finished the first version of the API.

April 26th, I created a 16 teams tournament, full in 1 hour. I had to reject 12 teams. Tomorrow, A* will send me the first visuals. I am so impatient.

April 27th, A* sent me the first visuals. It’s basic, but ooof, it’s amazing. So here we are. From strange reflexions a few weeks ago to a website today.

  1. This is the page where I can log as the global admin of the website. Here, I can access the section where I register teams and add scores.

2. This is the admin dashboard.

Here, I can manage live tournaments, create a tournament, manage teams and see all tournaments (past, live and future). Is is quite simple. Black and white. But it is straight to the point. We don’t need complex designs right now.

3. This is the home page. Just a simple page saying “Hello”, and reminding the IFC rules.

Welcome on the IFC website !

To guarantee the best competitions, we ask every team to be fair play and to respect their commitments in every tournament they register. Any breach of the rules will lead to a temporary or irrevocable exclusion of the IFC community.

Have a great game !

It is nice to remind the IFC philosophy here. We want respectful teams, respectful players, and we want people to know that we will be inflexible about that.

In this page, we can also access the “Live Tournaments” and the “Coming Tournaments” sections.

In a nutshell, this is amazing. Things become so concrete.



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