[25] It is live

2 min readFeb 17, 2022

2020, May 1st

Today was a big day. A very big day. The IFC website is live. It is a very simple and straighforward website. In the vast oceans of websites, The IFC is ours, and we are proud. It took around 10 days for A* to create it. Impressive.

The deployment was not an easy task, and for the first time, I understood the wonderful world of programming.

- I am almost done

- Nice, stay strong bro

- Fuck, it makes me crazy. I am so close. It is frustrating. There is an error code that I don’t understand. I asked my friend.

A* managed to deploy the front-end, but there was a problem with the back-end. I could not really help. It is way beyond my abilities. But I know he was going to make it, as usual. And that’s what he did.

- I diiiiiiiiid it ! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssss

- Well done !! It’s crazy !!

It is live.

So for the first time, I opened my browser, I searched for www.the-ifc.fr, and the website appeared. BOOM. The IFC website. Lean and clean. A* did a very great job. In 10 days. I am sure we will remember this date, 2020 May 1st.

2020, May 1st: Launch of the IFC V1. Keep that date in mind

We did not manage to deploy it for tonight’s tournament. But it is for tomorrow. For the first time, I will organize a tournament with our own website.

Responsive pages for the mobile version



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