[32] Bug in the middle of a tournament
2020, May 17th
2 days ago, a bug occured in the middle of a 16 teams tournament. Some data could not be displayed on screen. A* and I saw it at the same time, and A* had to find a way to fix it before the end of the first game, before the 70 players saw it. He had 20 minutes. For me it was fun, I like this kind of adrenaline. It was like being in an action movie trying to disarm a bomb.
- Ok, there’s a problem. I’m on it
- I was going to tell you. Where does it come from ?
- I made a mistake. In the code. I have to fix it then I deploy.
- It’s fun what’s happening right now haha. I’m in my room organizing a tournament that connects tens of people everywhere in France (maybe 50 or 60), while you are in NY checking bugs and fixing it when there is a problem. It’s crazy
- Haha yes but right now I am struggling. I deploy a fix for group phases. I don’t know how to fix it the whole thing, I need to think about it. The quick fix gives me one hour (until final phase).
- Tell me when you deploy.
- Already done. I fixed it, everything should be ok.
I was not worried at all since I know A*’s ability to solve problems. And that’s what he did. In 14 minutes. Fix and deploy. Nobody noticed what happened, and the tournament kept going as usual. Nothing to declare here. I also think that it’s great to make mistakes, so we can improve for the next time.
I can’t really help in these kind of situations. But I would like to. I think I should learn code.