[37] We won’t use our messaging system

3 min readApr 5, 2022

2020, June 3rd

Well well well.

3 days ago, we deployed the IFC messaging system and we were so excited. We were able to discuss through a channel we had created, and it looked fantastic. We sent many silly messages to each other, just to test how it looks and enjoy all the small details.


In many points, our messaging system is less optimized than existing messaging systems like Messenger, Whatsapp etc. And it’s normal. We are a team of two, and only one of us knows how to code. A* did an amazing job in a really short period of time, but it would be too risky for the user experience to transfer every conversation from Messenger to the IFC.

Why ?

Over the last few days, I asked many captains which device they use during tournaments. The majority replied smartphones. Our website is responsive for smartphones so until now it was ok. But when you use a messaging system on your smartphone, do you use the Messenger app or do you use the browser version of Facebook ? The app of course. It’s way more optimized. And Facebook removed the messaging system from their mobile version website years ago. So we were about to ask users to completely downgrade their experience, just because we were proud to have our own messaging system. Bad idea. I told A*.

- I think there will be a “so cool !!” effect if we only tell them to use the messaging system to send “Good game”. But if the experience is not fluid, it will be counterproductive. So I think it’s the right thing to do. It works so it’s awesome, and it’s great foundations for next steps.

- Yeah you must be right. It’s a little bit frustrating haha because I spent a lot of time doing that. But it must be the right thing to do. I can also change the layout on mobile version.

- I totally understand.

- Because it’s not optimized with bubbles. But if I make a tab for the messaging system, it becomes a whole page.

- I think that when we will have an app, nobody will use the mobile version of the website. So you might spend a lot of time doing something nobody will use. It’s heart against reason right now, I would have loved to use it, it looks amazing.

- Alright, then I have to learn how to make an app

We won’t remove the messaging system from the website, but players will only use it to say hi and “good tournament everyone”. We keep using Messenger for the rest. It’s safer for the quality of the tournament and for the user experience. So it will create a “oh nice chat guys” effect, but without the risks of downgrading the overall experience.

Have a great tournament

It’s a tough decision because we are proud of our messaging system and we want to show it to the world, but the user experience remains our priority. Heart against reason.



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