[41] First external tournament

2 min readApr 21, 2022

2020, June 11th

Yesterday, we had the first external tournament on the IFC. The Family Cup. For the first time, someone else organized the tournament, and everything happened on Discord.

Right now, the website is not optimized to allow other organizers to fully use it. I can’t give admin access yet, so I have to be there during all the tournament, add the teams on the website myself and check if everybody enters their scores. In a next version, we will add an admin section for organizers to manage their tournament from A to Z without my intervention.

B* finds teams. When a team registers, he sends to the captain the website url so he can log. Then, B* sends the captain’s name so I can associate his profile with his team. I need all teams to be linked to a captain on the website to generate groups. Processes are heavy. We’ll work on it.

Everything went well for this first experience. The 8 teams format is easy to manage now. There is not a lot of games so I can focus on everyone. B* was happy and asked me to get the Sunday slot for a 16 teams tournament. He made a great job finding teams and organizing, so let’s go !

- I’m happy that it’s fluid. Good job bro

- Thanks, good job too 😉

I made the most of this tournament and B*’s help to create the IFC Discord. He answer many of my questions, and I’m thankful for that. On his server, I sent a link to join the IFC Discord after the group phase and the finals phase of the tournament. Then we got the first fiew members on the IFC Discord.

I’m quite amazed by the trust one can give to another in a context of full anonymity. I don’t know him, he doesn’t know me, but from now, we are organizing onine tournaments together.



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