[47] Our first ambassador
2020, June 21th
We are organizing a new Info Foot Cup on the IFC with C*. He was happy with our collaboration and decided to use the IFC for his next tournaments.
During the last IFC Cups, I had to explain everything to new users. How the website works, what it is made for, how they can use it during their tournament. It was quite a repetitive task.
C* created a general conversation with every captain for his tournament. I was about to send the same presentation message as usual. But he went faster. He explained everything about the IFC. From A to Z.
For the first time, I did not have to explain our tool. Someone else explained for us. And his explanations were cristal clear. For me, it is not anecdotal at all.
That’s someone who understands our tool, that uses it, and that explains how it works to others.
This is how word of mouth works for us. We have no money to promote our website. So we have to make it great so users can talk about it. And this is the first proof that it’s possible.
That’s why I call C* our first ambassador. More than using our website for his tournament, he explains everything about it, and answer every question people ask. It’s a great milestone.