[48] We had a lucky escape

2 min readMay 12, 2022

2020, June 26th

Yesterday, we organized a tournament with a new partner, D*.

D* is the owner of a huge Discord called “Recrutement Club Pro”. It’s a 500 members Discord where teams recruit players, like a mercato in football. So for us, it was a something big. We had never organized a tournament in such an important forum.

Logo of his Discord

I reached D*on Facebook and showed him step by step how the website works. I created a fake tournament for him. I really wanted him to work with us. He has one of the biggest French Discord for 11v11 virtual football so it’s a great opportunity.

He accepted and became our third external organizer on The IFC.


During the tournament, we took a risk that could have been fatal for this partnership.

A* forgot we had this important tournament yesterday, and deployed a new version of the website in the middle of it ! If he had deployed a bug, the website would have crashed. And crashing our website in the middle of this new partner’s tournament may not have been the best way to convince him to join The IFC.

- Oh sh** I did not see there is a live tournament. I deployed haha. Let’s hope we won’t have any bugs.

- Lmao it’s the very important tournament right now 😂. With the big 500 members Discord.

- Hahahaha.

Hopefully, no bugs on the horizon, everything went ok. And D* loved it.

I loved it. First I was perplexed. But now that I tried I love it.

We had a lucky escape and we learn by doing. But we must improve our processes for next times.



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