[56] Rank teams to prevent level gaps

2 min readJun 3, 2022


2020, July 12th

Yesterday, I helped managing an InfoFoot Cup. And it was hard.

A few teams were not serious. After 2 defeats, they rage quit, with one or two insults.

Sometimes, teams’ levels are too different. Winning 7–0 is not fun. Loosing 7–0 even less. Huge level gaps are annoying for everyone.

We had planned to make a 32 teams tournaments, but when I see difficulties we can have with a 12 teams format, 32 seems scary to manage.

A great way to prevent level gaps would be to rank teams, depending on their results, like the UEFA rankings in football.

- Actually a 32 teams format would be possible when we will have a scoring system on the website. Because right now, even with a 12 teams formats, when some teams are not serious, it’s annoying. With a scoring system, we will manage to rank teams and organize tournaments by levels. It would be amazing. Because it can be a huge mess sometimes. Even if we manage to look contented.

- I see.

- With a ranking system, teams will have a serious behavior, to keep their good grade. Some teams want to turn pro (I had a call with one of them, I’ll tell you about it). Maybe a ranking system could be the first milestone.

From my point of view, yesterday’s tournament was hard to manage. But it’s comforting to see that my point of view is not surely players’ point of view.

Great tournament ! With the IFC partnership it’s very good. And teams’ level were high.

For the ranking system, you could win points depending on the stage you reach during tournaments.

  • Semi-finals : +5 points
  • Final : +10 points
  • Victory : +20 points

- Teams will participate in tournaments in the IFC to reach best categories and play against best teams (like in football). And maybe in the end, pro teams will play against each other in the IFC.

- We’ll think about a system. With different stages. Like begginer, amateur, pro. With points levels.

- And cool names.

